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Under the Hood of the GiveCampus Platform

Get an insider’s look at two game-changing solutions—GC Events and GC Texting. Kestrel Linder, Co-Founder and CEO, and the GiveCampus product team reveal the latest platform innovations during this 2023 GiveCampus Partners Conference keynote.

New! GC Events

Planning an alumni happy hour or annual gala? Maximize engagement and attendance with the only event registration and ticketing solution built exclusively for educational fundraising. 


New! GC Texting

Engagement rates down? Reach donors where they are and cut through the noise with a scalable, personalized approach to text messaging from GiveCampus.


Switching is easy!

GiveCampus has everything you need to make a clean break—including bi-directional integrations with your CRM, event registration, and integration with your email marketing tools.